Lifestyle Solar

On grid, off grid and hybrid systems for solar lifestyle property

Lifestyle Property Solar Power Systems


Good news!…Lifestyle Solar Power is an extremely viable solution for many rural lifestyle block properties and homes.

Solar provides free renewable energy to power your projects and can act as a backup supply during rural power cuts. If your lifestyle block or lifestyle business requires daytime power for things like bore pumps, irrigation, machinery, air conditioning, refrigeration, etc, then the savings you make on your power bill can quickly offset the investment in a lifestyle solar setup.

Sunergy Solar are passionate about helping you find and implement the best solar system for your lifestyle property & home.

Sunergy Solar have years of experience, expertise and knowledge to implement the best system for your lifestyle solar power supply.

A Great return on investment

As well as generating energy, solar power systems effectively generate income for you through savings on your power bills, paying for the system quickly, then pure savings.

Find out what you could be saving!

Energy bill savings from solar effectively pay for the system within a relatively short time. 

After that—FREE power!

We give you an expected payback period by analysing your site, using NIWA’s historical sunshine data, and current energy prices.

These graphs show an expected return and payback projection based on a 4.16kW system, saving $0.30c per kWh of grid supply.

The sooner you go solar, the greater the return ~ so why hold off on a good investment?

With the solar technology available today, it has become economically viable—and even profitable—to install solar power for many homes in lifestyle property situations.

Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) systems are cost effective, easy to install and do not require resource or building consent, making them the clear contender for auxiliary energy production both now and in the future.

Still have questions?  Give us a call!

What’s involved in a Sunergy Solar installation?

  • Site analysis
  • Requirements consultation
  • System design
  • Advice and procurement
  • System installation
  • Configurations and maintenance options

Different kinds of systems


There are different kinds of residential and lifestyle solar power systems, designed to suit different situations and different requirements, with variables in set up and the components that are used.

The three main configurations are GRID-TIED, HYBRID and OFF-GRID. Within each of these, there are many variables, which Sunergy Solar configure as a custom installation particular to your site and needs.


Where you rely on the grid for when the panels are not producing, i.e. at night.

Power from the panels is used during the day when they are generating, in priority over grid power.  If there is not enough power generating from the solar panels, electricity from the grid is used to subsidise the load required.

Surplus electricity from the panels is not stored, but is directed back into the grid.


Hybrid systems are like the grid-tied system, but with the addition of batteries to store excess energy from your solar system for use in the evenings, with the grid as your backup.

This also allows for some emergency loads to be run in an off-grid way from solar and batteries during a power cut – like your lights and fridge.

Additional components are used to manage power.


An off-grid system has no connection to the electrical grid, and is the sole source of power.

A battery bank and backup generator are used in addition to the solar panels. Surplus electricity generated during the day is stored in the battery bank for use when panels are not generating—ie at night.

Off-grid houses require a more energy conscious design for water heating and space heating and are most common where connecting to the grid is cost prohibitive.

Quality products make a real difference 

Having good quality, well-designed components can make all the difference to how well your solar power system performs and how long it lasts.

There are many different products available on the market, so how do you know what is good, bad, or best suited to your particular situation?  The answer is simple: just ask us!  We’ve invested all the hours into finding out.

At Sunergy we sell tier 1 (the best stuff) panels from Seraphim and German engineered inverters from SMA and Fronius. All of our products have market leading warranties. For more information, see our product range. Our products are purchased through local supply partners so you can have confidence in the warranties and that you’re not buying parallel imported product.

fronius logo
Seraphim logo

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